crazy generous

When you give, you support Thrive's mission of Helping People Find and Follow Jesus in Fulshear, TX. It is through your financial generosity that we are able to fund our mission, vision, and ministries.

Check out our NEW GIVING PLATFORM and set up your giving using the button below.

what is giving all about?

Nobody wants to live a wasted life. Being generous with our time, talent and treasure can make a difference now – by giving water to the thirsty, food to the needy, or supporting people during difficult life-stages. And it can make a difference in eternity – by sharing the saving message of Jesus. You can do both by supporting the people and programs of a church like Thrive. In a culture that’s characterized by selfishness, giving expresses the radical compassion of Christ.

Giving demonstrates our faith that the God who has provided for us in the past will provide for us in the future. It's the opposite of fear. Fearful people hang on with white-knuckles to anything they can get. Faithful people (or at least those who are growing in their faith) see everything in life as a gift from God – including their money. Every time we open our hands in generosity, we are saying to God, "This is yours anyway – please use it for your purposes”.

When we give, we are acknowledging three things: First, everything that we have comes from the merciful hand of God. Second, the quality of our life is not measured by accumulating wealth, but by wisely investing it. Third, it is a privilege to be God's instruments on earth and distribute his resources to a broken, hurting world. When we give, we are actually making a conscious decision to exchange our plans, agendas and priorities for God’s.

Jesus modeled servant leadership by leaving heaven and serving humanity – all the way to sacrificing his life for our salvation. From healing the sick to feeding the poor, he always put others first. And so should we. Our goal is to utilize God's resources here so people locally can know him, and there to expand his kingdom around the globe. From network church's in Michigan and California, we reach out to the world because our heart is for others, and we give to that end.

faq’s about giving

What are your basic beliefs about money?
We believe that God has blessed Thrive because we've followed two principles from the beginning: First, we see ourselves as a pipeline God can use to bless his people through. We don't hang onto offerings or hoard up cash; we just direct it to where it's most useful. Second, we see money as a tool to help accomplish God's will in the earth. It was his to start with, and we are only his "money managers."

Where does Thrive get its money?
It's the financial generosity of lots and lots of everyday people in our community that fuels the incredible life change that we experience around here. Our support comes from many individual contributions and offerings, including the tithes of our attenders.

What the heck is a tithe?
Under Old Testament law, Israelites were required to give 10% (a "tithe") of their earning. The New Testament suggests a similar, but voluntary, pattern. Paul says believers should regularly set aside a portion of their income to support the church (1 Corinthians 16:1-2). The exact amount isn't stated, but we see the 10% figure as a good benchmark for serious Christ-followers. If you're not there yet, consider it a target to work towards. All of us should pray and seek God's wisdom on how much to give. Remember, the time and money we give Jesus can be a pretty good indicator of how much we love him and trust him.

How does your budgeting process work?
Each ministry calculates their objectives and costs for the year. Then, appropriate staff contacts review the figures and may recommend changes based on the overall vision for the church. Their budget recommendation is submitted to the Executive Leadership Team for review. Following approval, ministries can use budgets to accomplish their ministry goals for the year.

Do you have an open book policy?
Come on in and check it out. We are glad to show our financial data to anyone who requests to see it. Simply contact our office and we will set up a meeting. If you have questions, you contact

Will I be pressured to give?
Never. We do not receive an offering or "pass the bucket" at our services, we instead have giving centers located in our lobby and encourage online giving. In any case, there's never, ever any pressure to give – especially for visitors. No guilt trips, no squeezing. Thrive is supported financially by people who've cheerfully chosen to make it their church home. Giving is a form of worship, not a form of torture.

How does e-giving work?
E-giving is the easy way to make contributions to Thrive directly from your checking or savings account, credit or debit card. You can set up any specific dollar amount to be automatically deducted weekly, monthly, or whenever. Every day, more Thrive friends are switching to this fast, safe, convenient way to give to God's work. To get started, CLICK HERE

ways to give



It's fast, convenient and secure. E-giving allows a specific dollar amount to be automatically deducted from a checking or saving account. You can set this up as a one-time donation or recurring gift. You can also give by credit or debit card. We have a few locations in the lobby with an i-pad to get you all set up or get started on our Church Center App or CLICK HERE.



We won't be "passing the bucket" during our church services, but instead encourage our regular attendees to drop your contributions in the giving centers located in our lobby. Please designate if your gift is for General Fund or targeted to a special ministry. If you want to give cash, and you'd like a contribution statement, make sure you use the envelope that you receive when you walk in.



You can use the postage paid giving envelope handed out in your bulletin or you can send your donation to 9550 Spring Green Blvd, Suite 408-246, Katy, TX 77494. Mark it "Attention Finance Department." Be sure to include your name and address on the check so a record of your contribution can be provided for tax purposes.

Contact us for more info on other ways to give (matching gifts, estate planning, non-cash assets, etc.)