about us
who we are
Thrive Church is a casual, God seeking, non-denominational
church where all are welcome. Our desire is to make it easy,
for people to Find and Follow Jesus.
Our services are:
1) SIMPLE: 60 minutes long, so you can get on with your week.
2) FUN: Great music, funny videos and honest answers to real questions. Your kids will experience inflatables, awesome music, creative lessons and even a prize wall. We want learning about God to be the best hour of your kid's week.
3) REAL: No perfect people allowed! When you walk through the doors at Thrive, whether you have grown up going to church, have never been or are just kicking the tires of faith, there is a place for you to connect.

OUR key value:
we are committed to doing
anything and everything to
reach people for christ
At Thrive, we believe that our values drive our actions and sharing them with you helps you understand what we are really all about.
An Open Door
Everyone is Welcome
People In Process
Following Jesus is a journey
Better Together
We is better than me
Others First
We are called to Love like Jesus loves us
what we believe
We don’t assume everybody believes, or even knows the Bible, but we do hope everyone who attends is at least open to exploring it. Why? Because we rely on the Bible as the foundation for all matters of faith and practice. While we do get a little crazy onstage now and then, we are committed to biblical truth; it’s the cornerstone of who we are at Thrive.
WE BELIEVE That you matter to God. The same awesome God who created the universe (and those pesky mosquitoes) created you. He wants to give your life true meaning and purpose.
WE BELIEVE There is only one God, who exists eternally as a Trinity of three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Each member of the Trinity is fully God, yet each is personally distinct from the other. Wrap your brain around that.
WE BELIEVE The Bible is the Word of God, written by men who were inspired by the Holy Spirit to write down exactly what God wanted to communicate to us (and is now available as a free download on your Smartphone).
WE BELIEVE Jesus Christ (second person of the Trinity) was crucified and died on the cross, was resurrected from the dead, and ascended to heaven. Someday, he will return to Earth to conclude history and fulfill God’s plan. Seriously.
WE BELIEVE The Holy Spirit (third person of the Trinity) comes to live within a person once they cross the line of faith. He gives us power to live as God wants us to live, and He gives us spiritual gifts to serve others and change the world.
WE BELIEVE Men and women were created by God to live in relationship with Him. Yet Adam and Eve chose to rebel, bringing sin into the world. Sin then spread like a virus to all humans, separating us from God (and you thought getting the flu was bad).
WE BELIEVE Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay for our sins. It is only through faith in Jesus Christ – not by being a good person or doing good deeds — that a person can be restored to a right relationship with God.
WE BELIEVE The local church is God’s plan to mobilize Christ-followers to mobilize Christ-followers to be world changers! All believers belong to his “universal Church” and are to represent Jesus to their community (and not just with a cheesy t-shirt).
We don’t pretend to have all the answers. And even if we did, there’s not enough room to print them here! So instead, we’ve put together a few common questions that we think you’ll appreciate the answers to. Enjoy!
Q: What denomination are you?
Labels tend to divide. So we’re just a group of Christ-followers committed to being the kind of living, breathing community described in the New Testament. As a non-denominational church, we’re free to use innovative ways to reach people. Incidentally, we love to work with other churches, regardless of what they call themselves.
Q: What does a typical service look like?
Great live music, free coffee and donuts and a talk that is helpful and makes sense. And to answer every man’s biggest concern, we’re done in 65 minutes or less!
Q: What should I wear?
Wear anything... but please wear something!
Q: Do I have to give money when I show up?
Nope! Every service we give our regular attendees an opportunity to give in the offering, but it is not required. You’re welcome to come and check us out as long as you want before you think about giving.
Q: What about membership?
Joining Thrive is not like a health club or Costco. And it’s not an exclusive clique. We offer Partnership. Partnership is our way of declaring, “I’m in love with Jesus, I’m fully on board with Thrive and I’m ready to get off the bench.” For info, click here. Meanwhile, don’t wait to get involved in a small group or ministry team.
our network
`Everyone loves being part of a family, Thrive is no different, we have two other churches in our network,
one in California and one in Michigan, so next time you're traveling, why not check one of them out.
thrive tx
You're here on our website! Thank you.
thrive ca
Thrive California launched in January 2015 with a passion for church to be simple, fun and real. From day one, our heart was to create a church where unchurched people in Vacaville, Fairfield, Suisun and Travis AFB would WANT to attend. God has done some big things...but the best is yet to come!
thrive mi
Thrive Michigan launched in 2013 with the help of Stadia, a global church planting organization. The idea from the start was to create a different type of church to help reach the 80,000+ people in Central Michigan who don't already have a church home.